

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Note from the author

Over the next few weeks I'll be fiddling and tinkering with this blog to make it the best it can possibly be.

I aim to continue posting about what I'm up to but intend to bring into the new look more tutorials and videos. I'll also be rambling on a bit about other things that are going on around the web (cartoon wise).

You'll also note that the page headings over the top have changed ---I've taken all the separate pages out and replaced them with one big 'Portfolio' page. I've also put in a store for all those of you who would like to purchase my prints, original comic book pages and copies of my first self published, full colour book, 'Castle Comics'.

Because this blog isn't just for fun---it's also used for commercial purposes, I'm working on putting in a page that will enable people to buy my illustrations for their own projects. These pictures will be at a low syndication price. So if you have anything you need illustrated, please take a look at that page and support my work by buying from this site.

Finally, you'll notice that there are now advertisements around my posts. I fought against this for a long time but it does seem like a good way of creating revenue and they are a lot less obtrusive since they were first created. So if you can't buy any of my work or don't need any of my illustrations to adorn your invites, business cards, flyers etc, then click away on the advert links and support me that way.

You never know, you might actually find something you like.

And finally, finally. Keep coming back as I intend to make this a fun site for everyone, and the more you support it, leave comments on it, purchase from it, the more I'll be able to devote time to it.

Best wishes

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