

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Simple Strips

It's always a deep pleasure to come up with a new cartoon strip idea but it's even better when the theme is so established that the gags write them selves.

Below are a small sample of a collection of strips on the 'Dumb Blonde' theme only mine is titled 'My Sisters so Dumb'.

I'm always producing these cartoons as their freshness and simplicity are an absolute pleasure to work with.

A syndicate editor said once that the ideal strip should be 50 words or less. I guess I got well under here.

By the way, if you are in need of books, DVD's, games, electrical goods and you're going to use Amazon to buy them, please click onto it through my site on the banner advert to your right; for every person that does I get a payment from Amazon, and if you order from that click then I get a commission on what you buy. It doesn't cost you a single penny extra but it does help fund this blog, enabling me to carry on giving you free cartoon advice and stories.

Please remember, every click you make helps me entertain you! Thank you


  1. A little bit off-topic but I'd just like to know - on what blog post did you say that you were doing something for the Dandy Annual 2013? I've been searching but found nothing.

  2. Jadi senang Anda menyukainya,Galang


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