

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

William Wally part 2

Here's the second instalment of the William Wally story--- the serialisation of a four page tale within the larger Castle Comics graphic novel that I wrote, illustrated and published a few years back.

Demand for it has remained steady and I hope that with these sample pages you to will click onto the store tab at the top of the page and purchase your own copy to see why so many people have already brought this book and want to know when the second edition is coming out.

The simple answer to that is, just as soon as I can produce it. I will, of course, always keep you posted on any new books, prints or projects I have on the go, right here at the Diary of a Cartoonist.

By the way, if you are in need of books, DVD's, games, electrical goods and you're going to use Amazon to buy them, please click onto it through my site on the banner advert to your right; for every person that does I get a payment from Amazon, and if you order from that click then I get a commission on what you buy. It doesn't cost you a single penny extra but it does help fund this blog, enabling me to carry on giving you free cartoon advice and stories.

Please remember, every click you make helps me entertain you! Thank you

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