

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pumping the Clips

As part of my job as designer for a local brewery, I've been getting an increasing amount of requests to produce bespoke pump clips for pubs.

It's always great to be doing them, but as the numbers increase it is becoming ever more difficult to come up with new concepts.

But one that really stood out for me recently--- as in the fact that I was so happy with its outcome--- was the clip I did for a pub called 'the Drovers Arms'.

They gave me a pencil sketch that was drawn some twenty five years ago and really captured the feel for this historical old pub.

Once I got it back to the drawing board I knew exactly what it was that needed to be done.

This pump clip, because it had a black and white illustration, needed an almost Victoriana feel to it. And to get the effect just right, I would have to render the rest of the clip in sepia.

The eventual finished look was so pleasing for me I just had to share it with you.

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