

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Taking care of business

It really heartens me to see that even though I have sadly neglected my blog over the past few weeks, there are still a hardcore number of you who keep on coming back to see what I've been up to.

Well the truth is I've been very busy indeed, working on more artwork for Ian Blick Music, producing all kinds of editorial cartoons, designing a mountain of pump clips both for breweries and now, the Green man Music Festival.

On top of this I've been working on a collection of humorous short stories for my first book--- I'll tell you more about it as it nears completion--- but suffice to say it will be full of tales about oddball eccentrics and the world that they live in.

Photo by Karen Jones
I intend to publish this through Kindle, i-pad, i-phone and the Android phone market. The cover design is roughed out and its looking just as I would hope it to.

I'd like to also announce that my eldest daughter got married on the weekend. It was a great day and I was a very proud Dad. The young couple did us all very proud and gave everyone a day to remember. My speech, of which I wrote and did not lift from the net, went down very well and if time permits me I will be posting the full speech here on my Diary of a Cartoonist along with another true short story called, 'A funny thing happened to me on the way to the Church'.

Stay tuned for this and a whole lot more.

Thanks once again for your continued support, it really is appreciated


  1. Congrats on your daughter's wedding. I have two that are approaching that time in their lives much faster than I would like. Can't wait for a sneak preview of your book project!

  2. Hi Don,

    Many thanks for your congratulations. Daughters, eh, they do grow up too fast. The book is well under way and I'm hoping to publish an extract very soon, so keep coming back, Don and be the first to see what its all about


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