

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

It's Hallowe'en folks and I've carved this pumpkin for you out of pen and ink... Am I good to you all or what.

My day has been a nightmare of local government form filling, and during the process of trawling through this linguistical quagmire, I came across a question which surpassed even the levels of mind blowing banality normally accredited to your average local government worker. On the form I had to answer a variety of questions like: if I was claiming for this or that, had I any properties abroad, did I have off shore accounts, was I a carer for an elderly person; what country did I live in (they sent me the form so I'm assuming someone wrote an address and licked a stamp), but the question that made me stop and stare with in open eyed incredulity; and with it take the award for the most obscure question on a questionnaire was this:
Do I now, or ave I ever suffered from CJD (Creuts Jakob Disease) and have I received a payment for it.

I mean, what has that got to do with housing? And at what point in their meeting on 'what to put on the form' did someone pipe up and say 'Oo, oo!! Better put the Creuts Jakob question in there.'
And all the other boneheads at County Council HQ actually agreed; not once did anyone say 'What the f**k are you jabbering on about.

So I put down 'no but I've known a few mad cows in my time' and left it at that.

My other reason for this post is to give you a viewing of the only other piece of art (besides the one that adorns the top of this post), that is remotely 'Hallowe'eny'. I did it a long time ago for the Dandy; it has Frankenstein, a monster, lightening and an evil genius...what more could you possibly want for Hallowe'en.

Have a good night, stock up on the sweeties and don't get into any conversations with overly hairy things.

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