

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sporting Opportunity

Over the years I've produced my fair share of caricatures for a variety of people. And where as I wouldn't say it was anything I particularly aspired to, its something that was always supplied a steady flow of cash

I've never been the one who would sit in the corner of a room and do a quick study of the local character; I probably could, but my confidence in this particular field just isn't what it should be, and anyway, I'm more than happy to just sketch away in the peace and tranquility of my studio.

Like I've just said, I have produced plenty of caricatures in the past but they've always been as gifts or commissioned by other people as gifts for their partners, parents or work colleagues; one of which I featured as a tutorial on this blog and it can be found here .

But today I decided to have a go at drawing a caricature straight down. That's no preliminary sketches, just look at the picture, pencil it, ink and then Photoshop it.

And you know what? I actually think it went rather well. I picked three random photos of footballers I've never heard of and never seen--- so I wouldn't have an unfair advantage--- I chose Fulham FC players not because I support them---I don't, I don't even like football---I chose them because they were the first team that came into my head

Anyway, here they are, with their photo next to them and in the classic 'cigarette picture card' look. Who knows, if I keep this up perhaps I will offer myself up as a venue caricaturist and make a bit of money at it.

That would be nice

In the mean time, I will be putting up a caricature page and taking commissions for anyone who would like one done as a gift or leaving present or for whatever purpose they desire. All will be explained when the page is completed and you can be sure that I will announce it...oh yes, I do announcing very well. But until then, I hope you enjoy what I produced today in a few idle moments while my lunch was burning.


If you like my blog and the things that I say and do, please tell your friends; mention me on Facebook, Twitter and any of the other fine social media networking sites you use. I would love to have my work reach a much larger audience and although I could no doubt eventually get there under my own steam, I'll get there a lot quicker with your help, so please, please spread the word.

Thank you

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