

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Live on Amazon---Ryan's Dinosaur Dreams

Finally, after I don't know how many attempts, emails and pleading letters, my first Children's book, Ryan's Dinosaur Dreams is, at last, ready to purchase through Amazon.

If you are new to this site and are wondering what on earth I am talking about, then please click here to find out more. But basically I've produced a 27 page children's book, lavishly illustrated and in full colour. Over the past few months I've been posting samples of the artwork and storyline for this project both here and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+, all of which have received a very large and favourable responses.

So without and more of a preamble, I'd like to officially announce that the shop is open; Ryan's Dinosaur Dreams is now up for grabs on Amazon

For those of you in countries outside of the UK either go to CreateSpace or your own countries Amazon site and simply search for Ryan's Dinosaur Dreams.

Over the next few days I will be putting a permanent link on the side bar to save you constantly having to search for this post, also, and once Sleepy Hamlet has been completed and posted on Amazon and Kindle, I will give my publications their own tab on top of this page with links to all the Amazon  and CreateSpace sites that carry them.

Thanks, once again for all your kind comments and positive feedback regarding both Ryan's Dinosaur Dreams and Sleepy Hamlet and I'll be keeping you updated as to the next project; giving you more sneak previews and sample chapters or illustrations, proving that this site really is the Diary of a Cartoonist and Writer.

Thank you

If you like my blog and the things that I say and do, please tell your friends; mention me on Facebook, Twitter and any of the other fine social media networking sites you use. I would love to have my work reach a much larger audience and although I could no doubt eventually get there under my own steam, I'll get there a lot quicker with your help, so please, please spread the word.

Thank you


  1. Hi Karl! I'd just like to let you know I received my copy of Ryan's Dinosaur Dreams yesterday! Great story and your artwork blew me away! It now sits proudly on my son's shelf. I'm looking forward to the inhabitants of Sleepy Hamlet invading my home next! Kind regards, Brian.

    1. Hi Brian, that's great to hear and really happy to hear of its pride-of-place status. I'm editing Sleepy Hamlet as we speak so I hope to have with you within the next week of two.

      If you like, and this is always a great help to me, you could pop along to Amazon and give the book a review; it just really helps people when purchasing someone that they wouldn't normally see.

      Cheers again and keep coming back as I'm due to write another silly story for the blog---its been a while and I fancy a bit more silliness


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