

Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Facebook Page

This is only a short post but one I think is worth mentioning.

As you all know I'm just about to launch two books onto the unsuspecting world: one is a novel called Sleepy Hamlet and the other is a children's book titled Ryan's Dinosaur Dreams

Now the biggest problem that any new author, artist, creator, ect comes up against is the marketing of our product. I use Twitter, Facebook, this blog, instagram; I join forums, Google+ and do my best to get the message across, but obviously I, and my fellow indy publishers, don't have the marketing machine of the big publishers and we certainly don't have the mega bucks they have at their disposal for promotion.

So I've set up a Facebook page, which you can visit here , called 'All our own work'. The page's idea is a simple one: everyone who has a book, comic, webcomic, blog ect, to promote can use this page as a platform to shamelessly market it, they can let people know what it is they are selling and where they can go to purchase it. The other side to the site is to get the great buying public over to it to see what's on offer from the huge pool of independent talent that's out there.

I've no idea how this will pan out but my aim, obviously, is to have it go viral and for it to be an actual place for buyers to meet sellers. And seeing as its not a site for the big boys and girls, the little guys like me could actually have our own identifiable platform and on the worlds biggest social media site.

If you think this is a good idea then please go along and like it. I only set it up late last night and it already had over 100 likes with a plethora of positive feedback. If you like it then tell your friends, post a link onto your Facebook page, Twitter feeds and Google+ page or any other social media sites you happen to be on. Please spread the word. This isn't just for me, although I will be posting on it, its for all the little guys and gals like me who are struggling against a seemingly unassailable wall.

Thank you.

And remember to come back tomorrow for page 21 in the Brabbles & Boggitt saga.

If you like my blog and the things that I say and do, please tell your friends; mention me on Facebook, Twitter and any of the other fine social media networking sites you use. I would love to have my work reach a much larger audience and although I could no doubt eventually get there under my own steam, I'll get there a lot quicker with your help, so please, please spread the word.

Thank you

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