

Friday, April 14, 2017

Big Ol' Bear Winter Prints

There really isn't much to say about this, so I will be brief and let the art talk for itself.

I started this project as an exercise in painting winter trees. Eventually it turned into a series of four watercolour paintings that took my Facelessbook--- and the many closed pages I am part of--- by storm.

Nuff said, now its over to you

The downhill race
The stick collectors

the Gift Givers

the Sneak Attack

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I sincerely hope you enjoyed this post. If you did then please share it like a demented sharing person and keep coming back for more of the same, and a whole lot besides.


  1. Your work mesmerizes me overtime I look at it, but your work with watercolors is inspiring... work like yours keeps pushing me to be better with mine. It's funny, but before I even started reading your post, I saw the first picture, and said to myself, "Man, those winter trees are so damn good.." Sorry I haven't kept in touch as much lately... enjoying the work. - Marty

    1. Hi Marty,

      It's always good to hear from you and I am so happy my work inspires you.

      I haven't had much chance to do very many of my watercolour cartoons as of late but I am working on a whole lot more and I will, of course, be publishing them here first, so please do come back; you are always welcome



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