

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Multiple Strip Idea

Okay, it's been a while since I posted and I have missed it; I really do enjoy blogging but sometimes
work is just too intense and takes me away. But today, I am writing three or four posts and scheduling them to publish over the next week or two, so please come back and check my site for more updates.

Well post one (this little baby), is all about a new comic idea I've just sent out, and once again I refer all you aspiring cartoonists out there to this sobering, yet salient point that just because I am a professional does not mean everything I do will automatically be selected for publication, Being a cartoonist is not like that. Mostly we pitch and pitch and pitch and pitch until our eyes and hearts bleed and then one day, Bingo! we hit pay dirt.

 But that said, the more you pitch, the more you chase, the more regular will be the times you'll get a win out of that old pay dirt mine.

Damien is an idea I had for the comics market, the graphic novel arena, the weekly newspaper genre and of course the holy grail of all holy grails: syndication.

Note, once again to all aspiring cartoonists: when you have an idea, see if it will offer itself to more than one market, that way you spread the chances of it being picked up. You may have to re-jig the formats, but the idea will remain basically the same and you can just apply your characters, their situations and their personalities to each new field or genre..

So without further ado, here's the comics synopsis, followed by two, two page stories.




Damien is a strip about a friendship of opposites, a friendship between a laid back dude, a short guy with anger issues and a Napoleon complex and an eccentric with his own language and odd little world that only the other two can understand. Their friendship often has to weather many stormy seas as they manage to turn the simplest of situations into the biggest of problems via witty interaction and slapstick mayhem.
 Damien is a buddy strip for the younger reader; an ongoing tale of how true and strong friendships begin and how they endure and morph into the kind of relationship that lasts a life time. Although the Strip is called Damien, it could be named after any of the boys, it’s just that as in real life, the loudest and most obnoxious squeaky wheel always gets noticed, and Damien is that obnoxious squeaky little wheel.

Strip 1 

Strip 2

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I sincerely hope you enjoyed this post. If you did then please share it like a demented sharing person and keep coming back for more of the same, and a whole lot besides.

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