Monday, August 30, 2010

Video Tutorial

Here's another Youtube video I've done. This was just a bit of fun and helps people learn how to draw a simple character but one that looks good.

I like this over-the-shoulder technique as I think it helps the hopeful amateur learn by watching.

I'm also trying to get people to draw it themselves and send me copies. Not sure if this is an exercise in futility or the start of something that'll eventually take on a life of it's own

I guess only time will tell

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back after a sabbatical

It's been a while but I'm back blogging.

I've been writing a novel, drawing and creating; so although I've not been very active on this here site, things are, I promise, about to change.

First off I've got back into the world of syndicated cartoons. This was something that I always wanted to do from the very first day that I picked up a pen---but for some strange reason around five years ago (or thereabouts) I stopped; and just as the likes of King Features Syndicate and Tribune Media Services, two of the giant five American syndicates were taking a lot of interest in me.

So now I've had a long time away with even more time to reflect I've come up with a panel feature and as soon as it's completed and on its way I'll be previewing a few samples for your delectation's.

So for the rest of this week I'm doing some strip cartoons for the Dandy, some character designs for Coventry City football club and yet more health and safety cartoons for AGF Waste Management.

Have a good day and I'll post soon

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More Editorial

It's been a while since I posted any samples of my newspaper work, mainly because there's been so much of it. But I thought I'd take this chance to post a few of my most recent favorites. Hope you enjoy!


Safety First

When I first started out as a freelancer I did a lot of cartoons based around the 'lightening up' of articles that are very heavy in their content for a variety of Health Promotion Units all over the UK. I illustrated all manner of posters, flyer's and PowerPoint presentations for many a happy year.

But after a while it just ceased. I'm not sure if this was due to government funding cuts or it just died a natural death, but stop it eventually did.

My reason for saying all this is that as of late I've experienced a resurgence in this kind of work, but not from the Health Promotion units that used to keep me busy but from the burgeoning Health and Safety market and the samples below are just a few of the ideas used in an increasingly large new market for me.

Safety First Images

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