Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dear Diary 1

Brecon, or more specifically the street where I live, is a place of Policing anomalies. 

On Sunday, a pupil from the local private school dials 999 with a hoax call to the Police saying he can hear gun shots in the boarding houses where he lives. He looked very surprised indeed when the Rapid Response Unit arrived 10 minutes later, kicked the doors down and stormed the house with very powerful hand guns and semi automatics and did a systematic sweep of every room.

Eventually they found the bored little rich brat sitting on his bed with his mouth gaping and flapping open and closed like a freshly landed guppy on the river bank; his phone still in his hand and was apparently peeing fear like a cart horse.

He pleaded mitigating circumstances and named them as: too much alcohol and the fact that he was bored. He was asked that if he should fail to mention anything now that may help in his case, then everything else would be used against him. Sadly in the state od deep shock he was in he plain forgot to mention that Daddykins and the Home Secretary share the same London club.

And that probably why the Police dragged the over privileged, over pampered and under educated little Lord Foltneroy off to the local nick to have his manicured finger tips recorded, his mug shots taken and his silver spoon removed from his mouth and impounded until further notice.

Next day the CID send a truck load of officers on a door to door search for a stolen pair of mens' underwear, because a resident had reported them missing and would quite like them back. He even furnished the officers with a recent photo and an artist impression of the underpants.

God I love this town.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Would you Adam & Eve it...a new proposed feature

Well haven't I been the busy little chap. I took a whole week off from everything and managed to write and produce thirty comic strips for submission into the American syndication market.

The strip is called Adam & Eve and runs under the byline of: the antidote to the family strip.

Most everyone of note will tell you that when thinking of something to create it is always best to write about what you know about. And seeing as I have two failed marriages and a string of disastrous relationships lying crashed and burning in my wake, I think it safe to say that I am somewhat of an expert on the subject.

So when writing a family strip ( my first ever), I decided to write less about the lovey-dovey side of it--- the homogenised view of the nuclear family that we have become accustomed to until now---and more of the darker, less salubrious view of the modern family.

That said, the strip is still meant to be fun and indeed funny, but just a bit more about how I remember it, through the jaundiced coloured spectacles I wore and still, on certain occasions, do wear (especially when writing this strip).

Anyway, down below are, as usual, the thirty sample strips and the character page required by all the major syndicates, but you---you lucky devils---get to see them first.

I really do hope you enjoy

Cheer Karl

By the way, for another sample of a previously submitted strip click here to read my Bib strip and on a final, final point: those regular, and more eagle eyed of my readers, will probably notice that this whole strip was based on two single panel gags first publish here


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