Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Out to Lunch

Here is one of this weeks Out to Lunch cartoons. It's a cartoon Blog that I do with regular twice weekly updates. Go along and visit it here and have a laugh...If you like it you can always visit it again or have in emailed to you; just like you can on this site.


"Okay so its not the whole 'creating life' thing I had planned,
but you've got to admit, the radio controlled version is a lot
more fun!"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to draw--A monkey in motion

And here's another tutorial, this time on how to Draw a monket in action. I put these on my Facebook page and they get a lot of interest. Hope you enjoy

This months specialist strips

Once again I can happily post the two  strips I do for specialist magazines or Hobby Magazines as I think they are now called

Monday, June 13, 2011

How to draw Cartoons- the basics

And here is yet another how to video.

I've been looking at how many instructors, who purport to being cartoonists, just don't have the first idea on how to teach the novice the basics. I learned through the 'Preston Blair' school of books. He was the animator who worked for most of his life at Disney.

So I'm afraid I'll take his technique any day over some unknown from Idaho

It's a Funny Ol' Game 2

And here, as promised is 'It's a Funny Ol' Game' strip from comic football

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Out to Lunch

And of course you are always more than welcome to visit my other blog Out to Lunch which updates every Wednesday and Friday with gags on themes as diverse as kids nursery rhymes through to the Sherlock Holmes.

Today's cartoon involves a new character, that of Abdul and the Taliban school for suicide bombers.

If you want to see how I draw an out to lunch cartoon panel then why not take a look at my Captain Kirk cartoon that was published on Out to Lunch last week

Go and take a look, it's free and I hope you find it fun

Acer and Kaos

Here's the latest in the Acer and Kaos comic strip that I've been asked to draw for the new children's comic, Comic Football which is written by the actual real life Acer and Kaos, two new up and coming British rappers.

The strip follows the open ended adventures of these dudes whose cool bubble keeps on getting blown by those traditionally seen as uncool.

Roman in the Gloamin

So it seems like a while since I put up any of my editorial cartoons. Well, today I rectify that.

A museum has got hold of some valuable Roman artifacts that were originally found locally and wanted to make a big deal out of it and, of course, get children involved--- so they've asked them to come along all  dressed up as Romans.

I've brought up young children and mixing their natural sense of outlandishness with the added bonus of costumes and pointy spears..well, lets say I'm not sure they've completely thought this one through. That said, here's my take on it.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Drawing the heavy---from You Tube

So here's another 'How to' video from my growing You Tube collection.

When I drew the picture below I got asked by a lot of people how to do the big thuggish types so this video tutorial was for them...that and the fact that I like the sight of my own hand, working feverishly away, late on a Sunday night.

If you want to see more just put toonart11 in the search box and the whole lot will come up. You can also go to my channel and subscribe and get all my tutorials and ramblings send direct to your inbox

Don't ya just love technology?!

Friday, June 3, 2011

More Rugby Tomfoolery

I said I'd post the second  Sporting Print just as soon as possible and here it is.

On another point, three Galleries have said they'd like to start stocking my prints...not bad considering I haven't even started marketing them yet.

As ever, click on the image to see an enlarged version for all those natty little details you missed on first inspection.

'Team Work'

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Out To Lunch-Captain Kirk cartoon Video tutorial

Here's a new video of me working on my cartoon blog Out to Lunch which updates on a Wednesday and Friday; I will be making it more soon, but for now its just on those days. Please feel free to go along and have a laugh, it's free and you might just like it.

Sporting Prints

Get me...I decided to do a project of my own, and it's been a long time since I sat down to draw something that wasn't a commission, and seeing as I had two clear days between the one job finishing and the next starting, I decided to give it a go.

The project is to produce a new version of the old sporting prints only with my love of action and silliness. The first one was an idea I had when viewing a picture of a load of sports cameramen and their massive lenses and I couldn't help wondering what would happen if the whole scrum or pack, or whatever its called, came crashing into them; what a hullabaloo that would be.

But enough from me, have a good old look at my pic. You will probably need to enlarge it to catch all the detail.

Pushed Out

But as ever, enjoy. I'll be posting the second one when it's finished.

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